Support Your Wellbeing - Colon cancer

22.03.24 12:56 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 things to know about colon cancer screenings

Cases are increasing among younger people

Colon cancer rates in Americans under age 55 doubled between 1995 and 2019 ¹.

In 2021, the US Preventive Services Task force lowered the recommended colon cancer screening age to 45 instead of age 50. Due to this change, many insurance companies now cover preventive colon cancer screenings starting at age 45.

If you or someone you love is 45 or older, it’s time to get screened. Talk to your doctor to get started.

¹ Yale Medicine

Time matters

Colon cancer often doesn’t have noticeable symptoms until more advanced stages.

Earlier detection, made possible by regular screening, greatly improves the chances of successful treatment.

When caught early, research shows that 90% of patients survive 5 years post-diagnosis. However, only 15% of patients survive 5 years when the cancer has already spread ².

Regular screenings lead to earlier diagnoses, leading to longer and healthier lives.

² SEER statistics

Screening options exist

Although studies show that a colonoscopy is the “gold standard” for prevention ³, a less-invasive sigmoidoscopyor stool test may also be a good option depending on your risk factors.

Your doctor can help you determine which screening is best for you.