Support Your Wellbeing - Family Support: Back to School

12.06.24 07:59 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 ways to take the sting out of back to school

Getting prepared to go back to school can be an emotional transition time for children and parents; the end of summer quickly arrives and soon back to school jitters kick in. Often, feelings of anticipation will lead to children showing signs of nervousness, stress, and anxiety.

These feelings may be tied to adopting a new routine, schoolwork, and social interactions. Try implementing the following tactics at home to take the sting out of back-to-school season: 

Organize a play date for your child before school starts

To make the back-to-school transition easier for children try organizing a play date with one or more of their friends from school. During school transitions, exposure to a familiar peer can aid in a child’s academic and emotional adjustment.

Rehearse school day routines prior to the actual start of school

Make the back-to-school transition easier by practicing your family’s routine for school days prior to the academic year’s start. Set a realistic bedtime for your child to get them acclimated, help prepare their school outfit and materials the night before, and come morning, have them wake up on time and eat a nutritious breakfast. This will help create a routine and ease them into the new year school year when the time comes.

Make back-to-school a positive occasion for children 

Shift any negative views and sentiment surrounding end of summer and back-to-school season by having a celebratory dinner or small party. This allows children to associate positive emotions and excitement with the start of school.