Support Your Wellbeing - Heart health

21.03.24 07:55 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 surprising ways to show your heart some love

Heart health is a hot topic, and for good reason! Your heart pumps blood that provides your body with the nutrients and oxygen it needs to function. Keeping your heart healthy involves more than eating a balanced diet and getting exercise. Here are three surprising ways to support your heart health.

Care for your smile

Brushing and flossing daily can help prevent gum disease. What does this have to do with your heart?

Studies have shown that bacteria caused by gum disease can cause inflammation in the bloodstream, increasing your risk for heart disease. So when you brush and floss - and get regular dental cleanings - you’re caring for more than just your smile.


Source: Cleveland Clinic

Get enough sleep

Quality sleep is important, yet many people need help getting the recommended 6-8 hours a night.

Along with your mood and bags under your eyes, poor sleep can affect your blood pressure, circulation, inflammation, and more - which can all impact your heart.

Consider seeing your doctor if you’re unable to fall or stay asleep, if you notice loud snoring, and/or wake up with an “off” feeling in your chest - these may involve your heart!


Source: Cleveland Clinic

Stand Up

Sitting for too long is bad for your health, even if you exercise regularly.

When you’ll be sitting for long periods of time, even at work or on a plane, make an effort to stand up and move around.

One way to move more can be a walk around the block between episodes of your favorite show. Or, commit to taking a phone call from your kitchen counter where you can stand. Your heart and body will thank you.


Source: Cleveland Clinic