Support Your Wellbeing - Men's health

21.03.24 07:04 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 screenings to ask your doctor about

Studies show that men are less likely to visit the doctor, which can substantially affect their health.² Clear communication with one’s doctor and regular preventive health screenings can help lower health risks and detect diseases early. Along with regular physical exams, discuss your family’s health history with your doctor so that they can recommend appropriate screenings.  Ask about these screenings at your next healthcare appointment: 

Prostate Cancer Screening 

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer diagnosis among men, affecting approximately 1 in 8.3 Primary risk factors include: age; race/ethnicity; genetics; family history; diet; as well as many others.

Talk to your physician about whether they recommend a prostate-specific antigen blood test or a digital rectal exam to ensure your prostate is healthy. 

Blood Pressure Screening 

Blood pressure is the measure of force that your blood uses to move through your arteries. Getting your blood pressure checked at regular intervals is important to prevent the development of serious health problems like cardiovascular disease. 

Create a screening schedule with your physician and maintain a record of the readings to keep track of abnormalities⁴.

Colorectal Cancer Screening 

90% of colorectal cancer can be prevented through regular screenings ⁵. Adequate screenings—such as a colonoscopy can help with early detection. 

Be sure to check the recommended age and screening intervals for getting screened.