Support Your Wellbeing - PART 1: Progress Over Perfection

21.03.24 03:39 PM Comment(s) By Team


To increase your lifespan, focus on your health plan

Life span, the total number of years lived, has historically been a way of measuring the health of our societies; however, health span, the total number of years lived without disease may be a better indicator of total wellbeing. In the Unites States, there is an average life span of 77 years; yet the average health span is shorter at 66 years¹.


Living well is more than just living a long time. Try the following to maximize your years, focusing on your quality of life.


Start by setting goals to give yourself something tangible to work towards and consider the reasons behind your goals. For example, are you aiming to relieve stress throughout your workday? Or, maybe you want to maintain the energy to care for loved ones. Use your reasons to fuel motivation. Consider using the evidence-based, SMART approach to setting goals ².


Physical activity promotes healthy aging. Strength training is especially important for maintaining bone density, muscle mass, and mobility, while cardiovascular exercise promotes heart health and metabolic efficiency. It is recommended that adults get 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise and two days of strength training per week³. Consider joining a local gym, visiting outdoor trails and parks, using a fitness app and investing in a standing desk when working from a computer.


A healthy diet has long been one of the pillars of good health. To increase health span, focus on foods which protect you from chronic illnesses or diseases that impair quality of life. For example, seek out whole foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins and limit unnecessary sugars, saturated fats, sodium, and alcohol³. Moderation is key—focus on foods you enjoy eating and that make you feel energized.

Source: TIME,  Mayo ClinicNIDDK

Living well is more than just living a long time. Try the following to maximize your years, focusing on your quality of life. 


Our brains are hard-wired for social connection. Quality relationships with family and friends are associated with high levels of wellbeing--- including reduced stress levels, a decrease in loneliness, and even a strengthened immune system. Invest time and energy in your relationships and seek opportunities to connect in your community. Consider joining clubs, group skills classes, or volunteering⁴!


Lifelong learning helps to maintain cognitive function, increase personal growth, broaden perspectives and spark interests. In addition, gaining new knowledge and skills is associated with a sense of fulfillment ⁵. Reading, visiting museums, or even watching informational videos online are all ways to continue learning outside of traditional schooling.


Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body, leading to a host of concerns: impaired immune function, increased risk of heart disease, digestive issues, mental illness and more. Protect your body from the negative effects of stress by practicing good mental health hygiene. Learn more here⁶.


A long health span can be interrupted by chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Eating healthy, exercising, and avoiding harmful substances are all ways to protect against chronic disease. However, these should be coupled with regular screenings and preventative visits with a medical professional to ensure early detection and treatment of diseases.