Support Your Wellbeing - PART 1: Stay Grounded

12.06.24 07:40 PM Comment(s) By Team


Looking To Grow? Start With Self-awareness 

What is self-awareness?

Self-awareness encompasses our conscious knowledge of our own character, feelings, desires, and outlook on the world. It involves honestly assessing our strengths and weaknesses, acknowledging the impact of our actions, and understanding how others perceive us.

Self-awareness is key for growth and connection with others in both our personal and professional lives. 

Why self-awareness is important

Increased self-awareness has multiple benefits. It has been linked to improved wellbeing and positive self-image as we are better able to understand ourselves, including our tendencies, behaviors and personal biases.

Additionally, self-awareness often leads to a strong capacity for empathy and enhanced communication skills as we tune into the perspectives of others and more easily engage in the world around us.

Positive self-awareness can look like… 

  • Recognizing and taking accountability for a mistake made on a project
  • Checking in on yourself when you notice a personal bias is getting in the way of a decision
  • Listening intently and selflessly when a friend comes to you with a problem
  • Understanding and communicating your strengths and weaknesses in an interview
  • Being able to accept constructive criticism at work and using it to improve
  • Knowing the best method of communication for differing audiences

How to improve self-awareness

Engage in mindfulness 

Mindfulness allows you to focus on your feelings and emotions without judgement. To stay grounded in the moment, try meditating, yoga, and practice gratitude to center yourself.

Also check out other mindfulness exercises


Checking in with ourselves and monitoring our progress periodically can keep us on track.

Consider taking psychometric tests to learn more about yourself.


Consider writing down goals to understand what drives you and what is important to you. Journal to process your thoughts and emotions, clear negative thoughts, and gain insight.

Ask for feedback 

Constructive feedback can feel uncomfortable, but it does not need to be associated with negativity. It can be helpful to ask trusted friends, family members, or colleagues for sincere input.

 Look outward to look inward 

Observing the way other people live their lives can help you realize your own tendencies, behaviors, and thoughts. Try putting yourself in others’ shoes—this can help you empathize and connect.