Support Your Wellbeing - PART 2: Set Yourself Up for Success

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To be more productive, manage your energy

There is no shortage of available information, tips and tricks to manage time and be productive at work (and in life). And even so, individuals struggle to know how to find what works for them. One of the ways to maximize productivity is by tuning your energy levels.

What is energy?

From a biological perspective, energy is defined as the ability to perform work or produce a change. Research reveals multiple types of energy that manifest in our bodies.

Physical energy: the stamina required for performing physical activities and involves aspects like sleep, nutrition, exercise, and overall physical wellbeing. 

Mental energy: our alertness and cognitive resources for completing tasks and involves aspects like focus, concentration, creativity, and the ability to engage in cognitive tasks.

Emotional energy: our ability to manage and regulate emotions effectively, and influences resilience, motivation, and interpersonal relationships. 

How to Manage Your Energy

Energy levels fluctuate throughout the day based off the body’s circadian rhythms, types of tasks, and environments. When you learn how your natural energy levels ebb and flow, you are able to have more autonomy over your work as you set boundaries and create plans. While time is a finite source, energy is renewable.

Energy management involves understanding personal energy patterns, recognizing peak performance times, and implementing strategies to sustain energy levels throughout the day.

Start with these ideas:

Audit your energy levels

Monitor your energy levels throughout the day to identify your peak energy periods and align your most important tasks with these times.

Get into your flow state

Flow state is a highly productive state when individuals are fully immersed in a task, highly focused and experience heightened levels of creativity. To reach a flow state, engage in your most enjoyable tasks, reduce distractions and ensure you are striking a balance between a task that is challenging yet manageable.

Build in rest

Building in time for rest and recovery is just as important as completing a task itself. When you take breaks—whether to walk, eat a snack, nap, or unplug you are able to recharge and replenish energy levels. 

Take care of your overall health

Maintain your overall health and wellbeing by practicing healthy habits such as exercising, eating nutritious foods, managing stress and ensuring adequate sleep.

It may not always be possible to engage in tasks and work when your body is most energized; however, when possible, tuning into your own physical, mental, and emotional energy helps prevent burnout, enhances focus, fosters resilience—and, enhances productivity. 

Source: Forbes