Support Your Wellbeing - PART 3: Set yourself up for success

22.03.24 01:11 PM Comment(s) By Team


Sleep is your body's superpower - here's how to make the most of it 

Significance of Sleep

Sleep is our body’s natural way of recharging; it is an essential function. In many ways, sleep is everyone’s superpower; it allows us to heal through cellular regeneration, fight off disease, boost our immune systems, generate energy, process memories, and improve our social skills and productivity.

Alternatively, a lack of sleep results in an impaired immune system and an inability to concentrate & retain knowledge; it is associated with shorter life expectancy, cognitive decline, decreased wellbeing, and an increased risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease.

The amount of sleep needed to support our daily functions varies according to age:

School age

(6-12 years)

9-12 hours per 24 hours

School age

(13-18 years)

8-10 hours per 24 hours


(18-60 years)

7 or more hours per night

(61-64 years)

7-9 hours per night

(65 years and older)

7-8 hours per night

The science of sleep

Understand the science behind sleep to tune into your body’s internal clock. Our bodies function on a 24-hour cycle called a circadian rhythm.

When we wake up and are exposed to natural light, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, which stimulates energy; as daylight fades into the evening, our bodies release the melatonin hormone, which causes drowsiness.

Outside factors such as synthetic screen light, caffeine, alcohol, and sounds interfere with our body’s natural hormone regulation process and can negatively impact the sleep cycle. 

Supporting sleep hygiene

Sleep Hygiene refers to both your sleep environment and behavior; prioritizing sleep hygiene leads to more consistent, fulfilling rest, and in turn, better overall health. Signs of poor sleep hygiene may present as having a hard time falling asleep, waking up throughout the night, difficulty waking up in the morning, and drowsiness throughout the day.

Implement the following best practices:

  • Setting a consistent sleep/wake schedule
  • Limiting caffeine intake later in the day
  • Implementing a nightly routine, that includes ample time away from electronic devices (ideally 1 hour before bed)
  • Upgrade your sleep environment: opt for a cooler temperature in your room, dim lights, and comfortable bedding

Harnessing your body's natural superpower by ensuring restful, abundant sleep can make a significant impact for your overall wellbeing—leading you to become healthier, happier and more productive. 

