Support Your Wellbeing - Preventive Care

26.02.24 05:27 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 reasons to check in with your doctor

 Save Money

Not all health conditions or medical needs can be prevented, but research shows that people with primary care provider relationship generally spend less money on health care and less time in the hospital

Better health, lower costs and less time in the hospital: a win all around.

Be proactive about your care 

Establishing a relationship with a doctor who knows you, your family history and your lifestyle can help you stay on top of your health.A primary care provider gets to know what’s normal for you, helping identify when you  need additional care before it may be obvious to you.

Establish a health care "home base"

A primary care provider is your place for all things health care. They can help you identify any specialists you should see, help you locate additional care resources, order tests as necessary, and answer questions.
Tip: if available, using providers within the same medical group or hospital system can help you coordinate your care. 

Did you know....?

A family doctor, internist, general practitioner, OB/GYN (women), or pediatrician, (children) can all serve as your primary cadre provider depending on your needs and preferences.