Support Your Wellbeing - Suicide Prevention & Awareness

12.06.24 08:39 PM Comment(s) By Team


 4 things to know

Suicide is a leading cause of death globally. According to the CDC, suicide is defined as death by injuring oneself with the intent to die. There are many misconceptions around suicide—recognizing myths and combatting them is key to breaking stigma and preventing future suicides. 

 Individuals who talk about suicide are looking for attention.Most often, talk regarding self-harm and suicide is related to distress and should be interpreted as a cry for help. 
 Individuals who die by suicide are selfish and/or weak.  Individuals who take their own life often experience significant emotional distress, preventing them from recognizing and choosing alternative options. Individuals who take their own life often experience significant emotional distress, preventing them from recognizing and choosing alternative options. Individuals who take their own life often experience significant emotional distress, preventing them from recognizing and choosing alternative options. Individuals who take their own life often experience significant emotional distress, preventing them from recognizing and choosing alternative options. 
 Suicide often occurs without any warning signs. The majority of the time, individuals display warning signs that they are struggling, in distress, or thinking about suicide. Education on warning signs is critical for prevention. The majority of the time, individuals display warning signs that they are struggling, in distress, or thinking about suicide. Education on warning signs is critical for prevention. 
Talking to someone about suicidal thoughts will make them more likely to follow through with actions.         In fact, the opposite is likely true. When an individual is able to share concerns, they may feel less pressure. This can be a step towards saving someone’s life. 

Source: Mayo Clinic

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