Support Your Wellbeing - Table topics

21.03.24 03:31 PM Comment(s) By Team


Questions to ask your child, pre-teen, and teen at dinner tonight.

Meaningful conversations and connections with younger people are so important. However, today’s digital world adds a new set of challenges that can be tough to navigate. Here are some open-ended, developmentally appropriate questions to get you started. Remind yourself to be curious and non-judgmental during your conversation.

Children (under age 10)

  • What’s something you’re good at? Helping kids identify something they’re good at is a great way to boost their self-esteem.
  • Would you rather be super big, like an elephant, or super small, like an ant?Why? Asking fantastical questions helps support your child’s imagination.
  • What is something that makes you sad? Asking about feelings can help encourage self-awareness and normalize everyday experiences.

Pre-teens (10-12)

  • What is something that makes you feel proud of yourself? Reflecting on a point of pride—whether it involves a skill, a successful project or a personal attribute can help build confidence.
  • What is something you have learned recently? Helping kids to recall and share can aid in boosting communication skills and articulation.
  • What qualities do you look for in friends?  Encouraging critical thinking promotes self-awareness.  Asking about qualities encourages making good choices.

 Teens (13 and up)

  • How do you handle tough situations? Normalizing challenges and talking through how to manage difficult emotions reduces shame and promotes healthy problem-solving.
  • What is something you are grateful for? Focusing on gratitude promotes positivity and helps build empathy for others as well as resilience.
  • What advice would you give someone else? Asking for a teen's perspective sends the message that they are trusted to have their own opinions and have a valuable perspective to share.