Support Your Wellbeing - Women's Health

12.06.24 07:16 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 Screenings To Ask Your Doctor About

Women continue to be disproportionately impacted by many diseases and conditions. Prevention is key, and early screening is one way to prevent the development or worsening of a condition. It can be challenging to stay in the know about which screenings are recommended and when. Here are three important screenings to ask your doctor about today: 


Breast cancer accounts for 1/3 of new female cancer diagnoses each year. While many of the causes for breast cancer are unknown, there are modifiable lifestyle factors which can prevent the development of breast cancer such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Mammography screenings are recommended every two years for women ages 50-74.


Up to 93% of cervical cancers are preventable by vaccination and early screening. Pap Tests are recommended every three years for women ages 21-29. These may be coupled or replaced with an HPV test after age 30.

Talk to your doctor about the correct screening for you. 


A bone density test screens for osteoporosis. Women have a higher risk than men of developing osteoporosis, especially as they age. Risk factors for osteoporosis could include vitamin D and calcium deficiencies, substance use, having a low body weight, lack of physical activity, and certain medications or diseases.

Despite these risk factors, screening is necessary for identifying osteoporosis early. Bone density screenings are recommended for women aged 65 or older.