Understand Your Benefits - Disability insurance

21.03.24 07:17 PM Comment(s) By Team


3 ways disability insurance protects your income

Peace of mind

76% of Americans report feeling stressed over financial worries. Stress and lost sleep don’t help you get better when you’re sick or injured.

Disabilities - whether temporary or permanent - can happen to anyone.

That’s why many insurance professionals consider disability coverage as the most important benefit for financial stability behind medical insurance.

Not only can it help protect your finances, it can help protect your peace of mind also.


Financial security in the short-term

Short-term disability (STD) coverage helps you pay the bills if you’re unable to work due to surgery, pregnancy, an illness, or an off-the-job accident.

Benefits are often paid on a weekly basis as a percentage of your income. You can use the money for whatever you need - mortgage or rent, groceries, car payments, and more.

Short-term disability coverage helps you stay financially afloat so you can focus on getting better. 

Longer-term needs

Long-term disability coverage can provide continued financial support if you’re not able to return to work.

Benefits are often paid on a monthly basis as a percentage of your income. Like short-term coverage, you can use the money for whatever you need.

As a note - if you’re on long-term disability, you might also be required to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Medicare.