Understand Your Benefits - Health savings account 101

21.03.24 08:56 PM Comment(s) By Team


7 things to know about a health savings account

A Health Savings Account (HSA) comes with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - a certain type of medical plan¹. 

An HSA allows you to save pre-tax dollars for health care expenses, which can lower your taxable income.

You choose when to spend money from your HSA on health expenses and when to let your balance grow.

Your HSA balance never expires, so you can plan to save for your future needs - like retirement.

An HSA can work with your other retirement accounts to make sure your needs are fully covered.

HSA funds earn interest and grow tax-free. Investment options are often available to grow your funds even more.

You can use your HSA funds in retirement for general living and health care expenses.

A Health Savings Account (HSA) can help you save for today - and tomorrow. see how >