Understand Your Benefits - HSA, HRA, AND FSA

21.03.24 03:49 PM Comment(s) By Team


What to know about pre-tax health care accounts

Pre-tax accounts are a great way to pay for health care expenses with tax-free dollars, but they’re not all created equally. Here’s a general overview:

Health Savings Account (HSA)


You contribute pre-tax funds from each paycheck.

Learn more


Eligible expenses

Current and future medical, dental, vision, and prescription expenses


Leftover funds at the end of the year

HSA funds never expire - and you can use them in retirement!



You must be enrolled in a qualifying high deductible health plan (HDHP) and you cannot have any other non-HDHP health coverage.


Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)


Your employer makes contributions on your behalf; you are not able to contribute to an HRA.


Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses vary, but typically include medical and prescription costs for the current year.


Leftover funds at the end of the year

Depending on your plan, you may be able to roll over unused funds to the following year.



You must be enrolled in your employer’s HRA medical plan. The HRA comes with the medical plan and cannot be separated.


Flexible Spending Account (FSA)


You contribute pre-tax funds from each paycheck.


Eligible expenses

  • Full health care: medical, dental, vision, prescription expenses for this year
  • Limited purpose (HSA-compatible): dental & vision expenses only


Leftover funds at the end of the year

Depending on your plan, you may be able to roll over unused funds to the following year.



Can be paired with any medical plan (or no medical plan) - BUT you cannot have a full health care FSA and contribute to an HSA at the same time.

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