Understand your Benefits - PART 2: All stages of life

21.03.24 03:54 PM Comment(s) By Team


You're never too young for...

Like birthdays, changing benefit needs sometimes sneak up on us. Whether you’re 22 or 52, you’re never too young (or old) for...

Life insurance

Life insurance provides families with financial security, especially if the main wage earner passes away. However, studies estimate that more than 100 million Americans are either underinsured or completely uninsured ¹.

When buying life insurance, consider your expenses and household income - what would happen if that income source was lost? How long would finances stay afloat?

It’s a good idea to review your life insurance coverage every couple of years and whenever you have a big life event - like marriage, having a child, or buying a house.

¹ Forbes

Retirement contributions

Retirement may sound like it’s far away, but there’s no better time to start saving than right now. 

By age 65, someone who saves $100 a month at age 25 will have nearly double for retirement than if they started saving the same amount at age 35 ². This jump is due to compound interest - when you earn interest on your interest.

Not sure how much to save? A qualified financial advisor can help you build a plan.


² Business Insider

Disability insurance

Disability insurance can protect your income if you’re not able to work due to a disability.

The Social Security Administration estimates that one in four of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled by age 67.

Regardless of your age and health, you may become temporarily or permanently unable to work due to surgery, pregnancy, or other illnesses or accidents. Disability insurance can help fill the financial gap.


Source: Social Security Administration