Understand your Benefits - PART 3: All stages of life

21.03.24 07:17 PM Comment(s) By Team


What to know and do when you experience life changes

Life changes - marriage or divorce, birth or adoption of a child, job changes and more - can mean changes to your benefits plans. Here’s what to know and do when these happen. Still have questions? Check with your benefits department. 

Choosing coverage for the first time

Just turn 26? First “grown-up” job? Getting benefits for the first time is exciting!


  • When your coverage begins.
  • Your options and what they cost.
  • When you need to submit choices.


  • Review the benefits information when you receive it - there’s often a time limit.
  • Ask questions if you need help.
  • Submit your choices by the deadline.

Adding or removing a dependent

A dependent is a family member on your benefits plan. You may need to add or remove someone due to birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, job changes, and other reasons.


  • When the change occurs (i.e. marriage date or child’s date of birth).
  • What changes you can make to coverage.


  • Submit the change request by the deadline (usually 30 days after the life event).
  • Provide any required documentation (birth certificate, marriage license, etc.)

Job or other benefits changes

You might need to change coverage if you or your spouse starts or ends a job with benefits, if you gain or lose Medicaid eligibility, and other similar situations.


  • What changes you can make based on the event (i.e. if your spouse loses their benefits, they can often join your plan).


  • Submit the change request by the deadline (usually 30 days after the life event).
  • Provide any required documentation (birth certificate, marriage license, etc.)